Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Something that will make you cower!

I was sitting one night with some buddy's and they began to tell me the story of the young boy who was left at home with his dog. Now I bet you are wondering, how does this become scary? Well you see the boy lived across the street from a mental institution, and on this night his parents had left him alone with his dog. It got late...dark, and a storm started to roll in. After a while the little boy decided to go to sleep. While laying in his bed the power went out, and he started to get scared. To comfort himself he stuck his hand down so that his dog would lick it. As he did so his dog came over and licked his hand. Then he went back to sleep. Ten minutes later...CRACK, another bolt close by and he again stuck his hand down. Then the little boy started to hear a dripping noise in the bathroom. He immediately got up and ran to the bathroom, and with his flashlight he saw his dog hanging death with the words, "People can lick too...." In red blood. This story was was very exciting and scary, causing me many night without sleep. This story relates to the new Stephen King 1408 Movie because it deals with scary incidents that lead you to question what is real, and what is not. It is a game with the mind, and I must say that I am excited of the 1408 Movie. So dont delay go out on July 13th and see it!

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