Thursday, November 8, 2007

Help cure Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is something that has been increasing in the world and it is something that often gets forgotten about until it hits someone in your family...I personally have not had a close experience with Alzheimer's but I have seen how hard it is for family's to deal with. Since my past interactions I have begun working hard to help cure Alzheimer's by informing people about places to donate and help out. One simple way that I strongly encourage all readers to do is to shop online at the Alzheimer's Foundation of America EStore for all of their holiday gifts. With Christmas and Thanksgiving coming at a speedy rate I ask you to at least check out the Alzheimer's Foundation of America EStore mainly because of what it stands for, and what it accomplishes. First the Alzheimer's Foundation of America EStore takes all of their profits and donates them completely to the cause of Alzheimer's. This is something that can be cured guys and I know that if we all do our share we can truly make this a thing of the past. This is a great chance for you to get involved with the Alzheimer's Foundation of America and it is an easy way to donate and help find a cure, as well as aid for all Alzheimer's people. Go online and get a holiday gift while making a very helpful donation to a very worthy cause. Don't just read and go on, please check this out and help end something that truly hurts thousands of people, you could be the difference.

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