Saturday, May 26, 2007

A New BMW 3 Series!

I was recently surfing the web when I came across This cool and innovative site allows you to bid on items for free, and at the end of the auction if you have the lowest bid amount you are the winner of the prize. I just placed my bid on a red BMW 3 series, and let me tell you it was hot! I want this car so badly I can taste it. I don't ever win anything so I can only hope. I would love to have this car because I am going away to college and it would be perfect for me to have. It is one of my schools colors, and it is also a very business like car, and with my major being business it is important to cast an image, and lets be honest nothing says class like a BMW. The car is worth over $36,000 and I would feel like a million driving it. I must now hope that no one else guesses a lower number than me, or else I will be loosing my two door 2008 BMW 3 Series!

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